Wednesday, August 28, 2013

School Picture for 2013

Labor Day is only a few days away, thus the start of fall. This year I have been trying to become a better listener to what God has for me. I have referenced myself to Samuel in the Old Testament, and how he was listening for God is how I want to listen for God. This year God has really had several things fall in place that I cannot explain, and some of it God really needed to yell at me to make sure I took the right direction. 

August 2013 School Picture
As I have told several people over my lifetime, life is a bunch of choices that you make. The majority of my choices I do not hear God saying drink this drink or run this mile, but is choices that I make based on where I am at in my life. School teachers, coaches, Sunday school teachers, family, parents, friends, co-workers, pastors, people I meet on a random basis, and most of all God has impacted me on what choices I make. 

Because of the great people I have surrounded myself with; I have made several great choices in my life. God gave me these people throughout my life for me to gain wisdom. 

The reason I mention this is this group that is going down to La Union is going to be helping some of these kids gain wisdom & knowledge for choices they will make. The other thing that we take for granted is the ability to dream about the future. When you ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up most of them do not say police officers, fireman, and president.(Some may say they want to be a professional football [Soccer] player) In America we take this for granted that many of us thought everyone in the world dreams about what they will be. 
Current School Cafeteria

I was thinking about that today and I thought I would share it as I have pictures of the kids from the school for this year and the picture of the cafeteria. As you look at the picture please pray for these kids as they start their school year that they will gain knowledge and wisdom to help their future along with gaining a love for Jesus. If you could also pray that we will be able to share our love to these kids as like every kid in the world they should feel loved.

God Bless,
        Joe Van Walbeek

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